Comics ➔ Marvel ➔ Dazzler
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[2024-2025] Dazzler #1-4 / Loo = 🆕 _ revues ≈ 1 tome
🡱 X-Men: From the Ashes
[2023] X-Men: Hellfire Gala Last Rites (Infinity Comic) #1III / Foxe = ⛔ 1 court chapitre
[2018] Dazzler: X-Song #1 / Visaggio = ⛔ 1 chapitre
➔ En 2012-2013, Dazzler prend la tête de la nouvelle équipe des X-Treme X-Men.
[2011] Iron Age: Alpha #1, Iron Age #1-3, Iron Age: Omega #1 / Williams, Gage, Van Meter, Kalan & Simonson = 🆕 2 revues ≈ 1 tome
[2011] X-Men: To Serve and Protect #4III / MacKay = ⛔ 1 court chapitre
[2010] Strange Tales II #1VI / Tamaki = ⛔ 1 court chapitre
[2010] X-Men: Curse of the Mutants - X-Men vs. Vampires #1II / Sequeira ⊂ 🆕 1 revue
[2010] Dazzler #1I-II (Necrosha Aftermath) / McCann = ⛔ 1 chapitre & 1 court chapitre
[2010] Marvel Heartbreakers #1 / McCann = ⛔ 1 chapitre
[2009] Hulk Team-Up #1II / Zalbon = ⛔ 1 court chapitre
[2009] X-Men: Manifest Destiny #5III / Gillen = ⛔ 1 court chapitre
[2001] X-Men Unlimited #32I / Pfeifer ⊂ 🆕 1 revue
[1996-1997] Marvel Fanfare #4-5 / Campos = ⛔ 2 chapitres
[1989] Classic X-Men #37II-38II / Nicieza & Nocenti ⊂ 🆕 1 tome Omnibus
⭐[1984-1985] The Beauty and the Beast #1-4 / Nocenti = 🆕 1 revue ou ⊂ 🔁 1 tome Classic
⭐[1984-1988] Dazzler #35-42, Beauty & Beast #1-4, Secret Wars II #4, Marvel Fanfare #38II / divers = 🆕+🔁 1 tome Classic
⭐[1983-1984] Dazzler #26-34, Marvel Graphic Novel #12 / Springer, Shooter, Carlin & divers = 🔁 1 tome Classic (à paraître)
⭐[1982-1983] Dazzler #14-25, What If? #33 / Fingeroth & Grant = 🔁 1 tome Classic
[1981] Marvel Team-Up #109 / DeFalco & Kraft ⊂ 🆕 1 tome Classic
⭐[1980-1982] X-Men #130-131, Am. Spider-Man #203, Dazzler #1-13 / Claremont, Wolfman, DeFalco & Fingeroth = 🔁 1 tome Classic