Comics ➔ Marvel ➔ Punisher
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[2024] Punisher #1-4 (Joe Garrison) / Pepose = ⛔ 1 tome
[2022-2023] Punisher War Journal: Blitz #1, Punisher War Journal: Brother #1, Punisher War Journal: Base #1 / Grønbekk = 🆕 1 tome 100%
[2022-2023] Punisher #1-12 / Aaron = 🆕 3 tomes 100%
⭐[2020] Punisher: Soviet #1-6 / Ennis = 🆕 1 tome 100%
[2019-2020] War of the Realms Omega #1IV, Punisher Kill Krew #1-5 / Duggan = 🆕 1 tome 100% ou ⊂ 🔁 1 tome Absolute (Omega)
[2019] Punisher Annual #1 (Acts of Evil!) / Pacheco ⊂ 🆕 1 tome 100%
🔗 Cf. Conan & Savage Avengers
➔ En 2019-2023, Punisher & Punisher 2099 font partie des Savage Avengers.
[2019] War of the Realms: Punisher #1-3 / Duggan ⊂ 🆕 1 revue
🡱 War of the Realms
[2018] What If? The Punisher #1 (Peter Parker) / Potts ⊂ 🆕 1 tome 100%
[2018-2019] Punisher #1-16 / Rosenberg = 🆕 3 tomes 100%
[2018] Punisher #218-228 / Rosenberg & Thompson = 🆕 2 tomes 100%
🡱 Marvel Legacy
⭐[2017-2018] Punisher Max: The Platoon #1-6 / Ennis = 🆕 1 tome 100%
⭐[2017] Deadpool vs. the Punisher #1-5 / Van Lente = 🆕 1 revue ou 🔁 1 tome Deluxe ou Deadpool Vs
[2017] Doctor Strange/Punisher: Magic Bullets #1-4 / Barber = ⛔ 1 tome
[2016-2017] Punisher #1-17 / Cloonan = 🆕 3 tomes 100%
🡱 All-New, All-Different Marvel
[2016] Punisher Annual #1 / Conway = ⛔ 1 chapitre
[2016] Daredevil/Punisher: Seventh Circle #1-4 / Soule = 🆕 1 tome 100%
🌀 Secret Wars 🌀
➔ Punisher #9 & Black Widow #9, datés d'octobre 2014, d'Edmondson montrent 2 points de vue différents d'un même récit.
[2014-2015] Punisher #1-20 / Edmondson & Maurer = 🆕 4 revues
🡱 All-New Marvel Now!
[2013] Punisher: Trial of the Punisher #1-2 / Guggenheim ⊂ 🆕 1 revue
[2013] Punisher: Nightmare #1-5 / Gimple = 🆕 1 revue
➔ En 2013-2014, Punisher fait partie des Thunderbolts.
[2012 & 1991] Space: Punisher #1-4, Punisher Summer Special #1II / Tieri & David = 🆕 1 revue
[2012] Untold Tales of Punisher Max #1-5 / Starr, Latour, Abbott, Edmondson & Young = 🆕 1 tome Max
⭐[2011-2013] Punisher #1-16, Avenging Spider-Man #6 (Omega Effect), Daredevil #11 (Omega Effect), Punisher: War Zone #1-5, Spider-Island: I Love New York City #1 / Rucka & Waid = 🔁 2 tomes Deluxe
➔ ⚠️ Les 2 rééditions du Punisher de Rucka en Deluxe ont un découpage des chapitres différents. Le crossover Omega Effect est au début du tome 2 de l'édition de 2016-2017 et à la fin du tome 1 de l'édition de 2024.
[2012-2013] Punisher: War Zone #1-5 / Rucka = 🆕 1 revue
[2011] Spider-Island: I Love New York City #1 / Young ⊂ 🆕 1 tome Monster
[2011-2012] Punisher #1-16, Avenging Spider-Man #6 (Omega Effect), Daredevil #11 (Omega Effect) / Rucka & Waid ⊂ 🆕 10 revues
[2011] 5 Ronin #1-5 / Milligan = 🆕1 tome Graphic Novels ou 🆕 100% (avec 5 couvertures différentes)
[2010] Marvel Universe vs. The Punisher #1-4 / Maberry = 🆕 1 revue ou 🔁 1 tome Dark
➔ De 2010 à 2013, Maberry signe une trilogie zombie avec Marvel Universe vs. The Punisher, Wolverine & Avengers.
[2010] Punisher Max: Hot Rods of Death #1, Punisher Max: Tiny Ugly World #1 / Huston & Lapham ⊂ 🆕 1 tome Max
[2009-2010] Punisher Max X-Mas Special #1, Punisher Max: Butterfly #1, Punisher Max: Get Castle #1, Punisher Max: Happy Ending #1 / Aaron & divers = 🆕 1 tome Max
⭐[2010-2012] PunisherMax #1-22 / Aaron = 🆕 4 tomes Max ou 🔁 1 tome Icons
🡱 Max
[2010] Deadpool Team-Up #894 / Brandon ⊂ 🔁 1 tome 100% ou Select
[2009-2010] Dark Reign: The List - Punisher #1, Franken-Castle #19-20, Dark Wolverine #88-89 / Remender, Liu & Way ⊂ 🔁 1 tome Deluxe
[2009-2011] Dark Reign: The List - Punisher #1, Punisher #11-16, Franken-Castle #17-21, Dark Wolverine #88-89 (Punishment), Deadpool Team-Up #894, Punisher: in the Blood #1-5 / Remender, Liu, Way & Brandon =/⊂ 🆕 5 revues
[2009] Punisher #1-10, Annual 2009 #1 / Remender = 🆕 2 revues
🡱 Dark Reign
[2009-2010] Punisher Noir #1-4 / Tieri = 🆕 1 tome 100%
[2009] Eminem/Punisher #1 / Van Lente = ⛔ 1 chapitre
[2009] Astonishing Tales #1-6I (Wolverine/Punisher) / Cebulski = ⛔ 6 courts chapitres
⭐[2009] Punisher War Zone #1-6 / Ennis = 🆕 1 tome Max
[2009] Punisher War Journal Annual #1 / Spurrier = ⛔ 1 long chapitre
[2007] Witchblade/Punisher (Image Comics/Marvel) #1 / Marz ⊂ 🆕 1 revue
[2007] Punisher War Journal #1-3 / Fraction ⊂ 🔁 1 tome Deluxe
[2007-2009] Punisher War Journal #1-26 / Fraction & Remender = 🆕 5 revues
🡱 Civil War
[2007-2009] Punisher: Frank Castle Max #71-75, Punisher: Force of Nature #1, Punisher Max Special: Little Black Book #1, Punisher Max Annual #1, Punisher Max: Naked Kill #1 / Gischler & divers = 🆕 2 tomes Max ou 🔁 1 tome Deluxe
[2008-2009] Punisher #61-65, Punisher: Frank Castle Max #66-70 / Hurwitz & Swierczynski = 🆕 2 tomes Max ou 🔁 1 tome Deluxe
⭐[2003-2008] Born #1-4, Punisher #1-60, Punisher: The Cell #1, Punisher: The Tyger #1, Punisher: The End #1 / Ennis = 🔁 3 tomes Icons
[2008] Punisher #55-60 / Ennis = 🆕 1 tome Max ou ⊂ 🔁 1 tome Deluxe (+ Punisher: The End #1)
[2007-2008] Punisher #50-54 / Ennis = 🆕 1 tome Max ou ⊂ 🔁 1 tome Deluxe (+ Punisher: The Tyger #1)
[2007] Punisher #43-49, Punisher Presents: Barracuda #1-5 / Ennis = 🆕 2 tomes Max ou 🔁 1 tome Deluxe
[2006-2007] Punisher: Silent Night #1, Punisher: X-Mas Special #1 / Diggle & Moore ⊂ 🆕 1 tome Max
[2006-2007] Punisher #31-42 / Ennis = 🆕 2 tomes Max ou 🔁 1 tome Deluxe
[2006] Punisher vs. Bullseye #1-5 / Way = ⛔ 1 tome
➔ Avant Punisher vs. Bullseye, Way & Dillon ont proposé Bullseye: Greatest Hits en 2004-2005.
[2005-2006] Daredevil vs. Punisher #1-6 / Lapham = 🆕 1 tome 100%
[2004-2006] Punisher: The Tyger #1, Punisher: The Cell #1, Punisher: The End #1 / Ennis = 🔁 1 tome Dark
[2005-2006] Punisher: The Cell #1, Punisher: Red X-Mas #1, Punisher: Bloody Valentine #1, Punisher: The Tyger #1 / Ennis, Gray & Palmiotti = 🆕 1 tome Max
[2005-2006] Punisher #19-30 / Ennis = 🆕 2 tomes Max ou 🔁 1 tome Deluxe
[2004-2005] Punisher #7-18 / Ennis = 🆕 2 tomes Max ou 🔁 1 tome Deluxe
[2003-2005] Born #1-4, Punisher #1-6, Punisher: The Cell #1 / Ennis = 🔁 1 tome Deluxe
⭐[2004] Punisher: The End #1 / Ennis = 🆕 1 tome Graphic Novels ou ⊂ 🔁 1 tome Dark ou Deluxe ou Icons
[2004] Punisher #1-6 / Ennis = 🆕 1 tome Max
🡱 Max
[2004] Wolverine/Punisher #1-5 / Milligan = 🆕 1 tome 100% ou 🔁 1 revue
[2003] Born #1-4 / Ennis = 🆕 1 tome Max
⭐[1995-2004] Punisher #1-12, #1-37, Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe #1, Marvel Knights Double-Shot #1I / Ennis = 🔁 2 tomes Icons
⭐[1995-2004] Punisher #1-12, #1-7, #13-37, Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe #1, Marvel Knights Double-Shot #1I / Ennis = 🔁+🆕 1 tome Omnibus
[2002] Marvel Knights Double-Shot #1I / Ennis ⊂ 🆕 1 revue
[2001-2002] Punisher #1-6 / Ennis = 🔁 1 revue ou 1 tome 20 ans
[2001-2004] Punisher #1-37 / Ennis, Zimmerman & Peyer = 🆕 6 tomes 100% + 1 revue (#27 uniquement)
[2001] Punisher/Painkiller Jane (Event Comics/Marvel) #1 / Ennis = ⛔ 1 chapitre
[2000] Spider-Man vs. Punisher #1 / Harris = ⛔ 1 chapitre
⭐[2000-2001] Punisher #1-12 / Ennis = 🆕 3 tomes 100% ou 🔁 1 tome Must-Have
[1999] Wolverine/Punisher: Revelation #1-4 / Golden & Sniegoski ⊂ 🆕 4 revues ou 🔁 1 tome 100%
[1998-1999] Punisher #1-4 / Golden & Sniegoski ⊂ 🆕 4 revues
🡱 Marvel Knights
[1996] Spider-Man/Punisher: Family Plot #1-2 / Lyle = ⛔ 1 tome
⭐[1995] Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe #1 / Ennis = 🛑 1 tome
➔ Punisher Kills the MU n'a pas été publié immédiatement en VF mais lors des réimpressions des Punisher d'Ennis.
[1995-1997] Punisher #1-18 / Ostrander = ⛔ 3 tomes (sauf #11 ⊂ 🆕 1 tome Omnibus)
[1994-1995] Punisher: Year One #1-4 / Abnett & Lanning = 🆕 1 tome 100%
[1994-1995] Punisher: War Zone #31-36 / Dixon = 🆕 1 tome Best of
[1989] Epic Graphic Novel: The Punisher - Return to Big Nothing #1 / Grant = 🔁 1 tome Graphic Novels
[1988-1989] Punisher War Journal #1-7 / Potts & Wellington = 🆕+🔁 1 tome Best of ou 🔁 1 tome Gold
[1988-1989] Punisher #11-23, Annual #2 (Atlantis Attacks) / Baron, Salick & Sanderson = 🔁+🆕 1 tome Classic
[1987-1988] Punisher #4-10, Annual #1 (Evolutionary War), Daredevil #257, Punisher: Assassins' Guild GN #1 / Baron, Salick, Gruenwald, Nocenti & Duffy = 🔁+🆕 1 tome Classic
⭐[1986] Punisher #1-5 / Grant & Duffy = 🔁 1 tome Best of ou Must-Have
⭐[1982-1987] Daredevil #182-184, Peter Parker, Spectacular Spider-Man #81-83, Punisher #1-5, Punisher #1-3 / Miller, McKenzie, Mantlo, Grant, Duffy & Baron = 🔁+🆕 1 tome Classic
⭐[1974-1981] Amazing Spider-Man #129, #134-135, #161-162, #174-175, #201-202, Annual #15, Giant-Size Spider-Man #4, Marvel Preview #2I, Marvel Super Action #1I, Captain America #241 / Conway, Wein, Wolfman, O'Neil, Goodwin & Barr = 🔁+🆕 1 tome Classic