Comics ➔ Marvel ➔ Silk

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[2023] Silk #1-5 / Kim = ⛔ 1 tome

[2023] Marvel's Voices: Spider-Verse #1III (Silk) / Holt = ⛔ 1 court chapitre

[2023] Women of Marvel #1II (Black Cat/Silk) / Ying = ⛔ 1 court chapitre

[2023] Spider-Verse Unlimited (Infinity Comic) #40, #48-53 / Holtham = ⛔ 7 chapitres

[2022] Silk #1-5 / Kim = ⛔ 1 tome

[2021] Marvel's Voices: Identity #1VIII (Brawn/Silk) / Goo = ⛔ 1 court chapitre

[2021] Silk #1-5 / Goo = ⛔ 1 tome

➔ En 2019-2021, Silk apparait dans War of the Realms: New Agents of Atlas, Agents of Atlas & Atlantis Attacks de Pak.

➔ En 2017, Silk apparait dans Totally Awesome Hulk #15-18 de Pak.

[2016-2017] Silk #9-13 ➕ #14-17 (Clone Conspiracy: Dead No More), #18-19 / Thompson = ⛔ 2 tomes

[2016] Silk #7-8, Spider-Gwen #7-8, Spider-Woman #6-7, Spider-Women Alpha #1, Omega #1 / Thompson & divers = 🆕 1 tome 100%

[2016] Amazing Spider-Man & Silk: The Spider(Fly) Effect #1-4 / Thompson = 🆕 1 revue

[2015-2016] Amazing Spider-Man #1III (Silk), Silk #1-6 / Thompson = ⛔ 1 tome

🌀 Secret Wars 🌀

⭐[2015] Silk #1-7 / Thompson = 🆕 1 revue/collection ou (#2) ⊂ 🔁 1 tome Marvel-Verse