Résultats de recherche dans le Catalogue
26 résultats
Miracleman (Intégrale)
Rick Bryant , Al Gordon , Mick Anglo , Peter Milligan , John Ridgway , Don Lawrence , Thomas Yeates , Cat Yronwode , Mike Allred , Steve Dillon , Alan Moore , John Totleben , Richard Isanove , Alan Davis , Paul Neary , Joe Quesada , Grant Morrison , Rick Veitch , Chuck Austen , Garry Leach , Laura Allred , Steve Oliff
Marvel Knights de Joe Quesada
Dan Kemp , Laura Depuy , Drew Struzan , Amanda Conner , Rob Haynes , Atomic Paintbrush , David Self , Garth Ennis , Steve Dillon , John Cassaday , Richard Isanove , Jae Lee , Joe Quesada , Kevin Smith , Dave Ross , Kevin Nowlan , David Mack , Jimmy Palmiotti , Christopher Sotomayor , John Romita Sr , J. G. Jones , Danny Miki , Chris Chuckry
Ultimate Spider-Man : Compendium
Terry Pallot , Dan Brereton , Chynna Clugston , Matt Wilson , Avalon Studios , Digital Chameleon , Art Thibert , Rick Mays , Scott Morse , Transparency Digital , James Kochalka , Jung Choi , Scott Thompson , Ted Mc Keever , Mike Allred , Brett Weldele , P. Craig Russell , Bill Sienkiewicz , Terry Moore , John Totleben , Mark Bagley , Sean Phillips , Richard Isanove , Matt Wagner , Joe Quesada , Dave Gibbons , Walden Wong , Frank Cho , Dave Stewart , Alex Maleev , Trevor Hairsine , Ashley Wood , Michael Gaydos , David Mack , Jason Pearson , Leonard Kirk , Rafa Sandoval , Phil Hester , John Romita Sr , Brian Michael Bendis , Al Milgrom , Michael Avon Oeming , Ian Hannin , Jim Mahfood
X-O Manowar : Le Châtiment d'Aric
Ken Lopez , Mike Manley , Maurice Fontenot , Paul Autio , Mike Leeke , John Cebollero , Toasters The , Boy The Siesta , Mark Csaszar , Tom Ryder , Walter Simonson , Frank Miller , Jorge Gonzalez , Paul Mounts , Bob Layton , Jim Shooter , Joe Quesada , Steve Ditko , Jimmy Palmiotti , Barry Windsor-Smith , Sal Velluto , Steve Englehart , Janet Jackson
Spider-Man : Je Suis Spider-Man
Spider-Man : Je Suis Spider-Man (Nouvelle Édition)
Dan Slott , Sheldon Allen , Stan Lee , Sal Buscema , Jim Cheung , Giuseppe Camuncoli , John Romita Jr , Joe Quesada , Todd Mc Farlane , Todd Nauck , Steve Ditko , Roger Stern , Gil Kane , Ron Frenz , John Romita Sr , Gerry Conway , David Michelinie , Zeb Wells , John Marc DeMatteis , Brian Michael Bendis , Joe Michael Straczynski